The mature trees and extensive landscape beds within the 14 acres of historic grounds of Ohio Living Llanfair, a retirement community, provide the expected benefits of shade and aesthetics, but are also an important historic, cultural, and educational resource for residents and visitors alike. The grounds’ mature trees additionally provide numerous environmental benefits, including temperature moderation and cooling, reduction of air pollutants, mitigating stormwater, and providing wildlife habitat.
Given the important role the landscape trees play in the livability and ambiance of Ohio Living Llanfair (OLL) and the priority the staff places on the safety and enjoyment of the residents, OLL initiated a tree inventory project to professionally assess the condition and risk levels of the mature trees, and to then create a proactive maintenance plan. Since the grounds are also designated as an arboretum, an up-to-date inventory will be useful for seeking higher accreditation and properly caring for the collection.
UCW was hired to inventory the 14-acre historic grounds at OLL in 2021, identifying over 200 trees and 62 distinct species. Based on the inventory, UCW developed recommendations and next steps for proactive tree maintenance and care for the coming years.