Mindy Mohrman is an ISA Certified Municipal Arborist, Urban Forester, and Urban Planner with 20 years of experience serving as a City Forester and Urban Planner in local governments. She focuses her work on practical, real-world solutions that achieve long term positive results. Mindy is a passionate believer that planning space for trees as part of the fabric of a city improves quality of life, defines a city’s unique sense of place, and provides substantial public and environmental health benefits.
Prior to joining Urban Canopy Works, LLC, Mindy served as the Urban Forester and Administrator of Comprehensive Planning for the Tallahassee-Leon County Planning Department in Tallahassee, Florida. There, she implemented comprehensive, long term urban forestry and natural resource programs and policies, including the development and implementation of the City’s first Urban Forest Master Plan. Prior to that, Mindy served as the Urban Forester for the City of Chesterfield, Missouri, where she implemented the City’s first public tree inventory, street tree management plan, street tree planting program, and emerald action borer action plan. She has gained years of experience reviewing, revising, and improving tree preservation and planting code regulations and policies, including performing public outreach and engagement to ensure that the results of these regulations provided the benefits most important to the community.
Tallahassee (FL) Land Development Code, Chapter 5. Environmental Management (2022) Tallahassee (FL) Canopy Roads Management Plan (2019) Tallahassee (FL) Urban Forest Master Plan (2018) Chesterfield (MO) Tree Preservation and Landscape Ordinance (2014) Chesterfield (MO) Emerald Ash Borer Preparedness and Action Plan (2010) AWARDS & CERTIFICATIONS
ISA Certified Arborist / ISA Municipal Specialist / TRAQ #MW 4433AM Board Member, The Hillside Trust (2016-2017 EDUCATION & TRAINING
Bachelors in Urban Forestry & Natural Resource Management, Western Illinois University |