The mature trees and extensive landscape beds within the historic grounds of Buffalo Trace Distillery provide the expected benefits of shade and aesthetics, but are also an important historic, cultural, and educational resource for visitors.
Given the historic significance of Buffalo Trace and the sheer number of visitors that travel through and within the grounds each year, the Distillery’s staff has made it a priority to capture and maintain the condition and risk levels of the mature trees, and to have an accurate inventory of all trees and shrubs. An inventory is also a requirement for the Distillery’s goal of being certified as an arboretum. Urban Canopy Works was retained by Buffalo Trace to obtain this valuable management and public safety information, and to assist them with the requirements to be designated as an arboretum.
Over 2,000 trees were inventoried by Urban Canopy Works, and the shrub inventory is on-going. With the comprehensive data on landscape plant location, species, size, condition, maintenance recommendations and risk assessment, the Distillery’s staff will be able to implement a proactive landscape maintenance program which will allow Buffalo Trace to sustain these natural assets in a more efficient and effective manner. Urban Canopy Works’ Certified Arborists also provided expert training to the Distillery’s grounds staff on proper tree planting and after-care. With these skills reinforced, grounds staff is now able to expand and care for Buffalo Trace’s tree and shrub collections properly for all to enjoy in the decades to come.